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来源:互联网时间:2023-02-20 12:18:58标签: 鲜花和手工制作一样吗英语 当前位置:花艺农业网 > 全新视角 > 手机阅读




[词典] hand-made; handcrafted;


These exquisitely ornate boxes and cabinets have been handmade and hand-painted by Indian craftspeople.




1、handwork release safe brake.

2、technology of making clayware handwork.

3、steel blank for handwork needles.

4、are there music and handwork lessons?

5、But in practical application, the drawing work has a great lot to do by handwork.

6、In regular,teaching emulation is finished by handwork,the workload is very big and easy to go awry.

7、The operations of land evaluation have been transacted by handwork all long and rarely can be fulfilled effectively and accurately.

8、Clarified the malpractice of coal source plan handwork management in port,and pointed out that the computer management is imperative.

9、Diamond pencil-edge wheels:Use for rough and fine grinding or handwork to special shape of glass.

10、This task is the upgrade in the system's configuration, it change the handwork configuration originally, and make the configuration can be programmed.

11、Exquisite handwork, all-in-one-shaped lucky jade pendants, it not only bring you luck and peace, but also increase your personal quality.

















手工制作的相关 短语

手工制作的礼物 handmade presents

手工制作的首饰 handmade jewelry

各种手工制作产品 Variety Of Handmade Products



1. As they're handmade, each one varies slightly.


2. rugs handmade by local craftsmen


3. These exquisitely ornate boxes and cabinets have been handmade and hand-painted by Indian craftspeople.

这些精美华丽的箱子和柜子都是印度工匠手工制作并 彩绘 的。

4. The beads they use are handmade in the Jura mountains in central France.


5. Children's handcrafting activity has problem - solving - centered science inquiry value and expression - centered art value.


6. Handcrafted in the U.S. A with 100 % lead - free pewter.


7. These two snail ring wire puzzles are hand made by my father.


8. You have chosen a beautiful bowl. It's hand - made, traditional lacquer.

你选了一只漂亮的碗. 这是手工制作的, 传统瓷器.

9. Black lines are composed of complex designs, hand - made impossible.

由复杂线条构成的图案, 手工制作不可能.

10. Imitation of high quality pottery figurine, pure hand - made ceramic crafts, collectibles.

高仿精品陶俑, 纯手工制作陶工艺品, 收藏 品.

11. Our products are all handmade under the most stringent and hygienic conditions.


12. He creates very ornate handles for the famous Finnish knives by hand.


13. Oh, not too much. It'sounds reasonable, for those are hand - made.

还不太贵, 挺值的, 因为它们是手工制作的吗?

14. I a handmade coat and hat for the tsarina.


15. She goes to school each day, plays soccer, and enjoys craftmaking.

她每天去上学, 踢 足球 , 喜欢手工制作.

手工制作英文阅读:手工劳动 Handy work

Anyone who has taken an axe to a laptop battery and thrown the bits in a pond (they explode: wear goggles) will like Mark Frauenfelder's book. Those who haven't will find a tantalising whiff of what they are missing. The author takes a hands-on approach to suburban life in Los Angeles. He rewires his espresso machine to produce what he calls proper coffee, keeps bees and chickens, whittles spoons from scrap wood, makes a ukulele and a cigar box from toothpicks, grows his own vegetables and tries to teach his children maths at home.

任何一个曾用斧子砍破 笔记本 电脑的电池并把碎片扔进水塘里(爆炸物:请戴护目镜)的人都会喜欢马克·弗劳恩菲尔德的书。那些还没这么做的人则会对他们错过的事感到蠢蠢欲动。作者对洛杉矶的郊区生活采取的是一种亲自动手的方式。他改接了意式咖啡机的电路以制作出他所谓的好喝的咖啡, 饲养 蜜蜂和鸡,把废木料削成勺子,用牙签做成夏威夷四弦琴和雪茄烟盒,自己种菜,还试着在家里教他的孩子们学数学。

The lawn is the archetypal enemy. Why do Americans spend such huge amounts of time, money, water, fertiliser and fuel on growing a useless smooth expanse of grass? Much better to cultivate something useful, like tomatoes. But how to do it? Mr Frauenfelder considers using herbicide to kill his unwanted lawn, but settles for covering it thickly with newspaper and weeding any grass that grows through: as with many of his projects, it is fun to start with, but becomes laborious.


As the editor of Make, a magazine for American hobbyists, the author is well-placed to tap the nation's vein of frustrated creativity and fiddling. Time was, he says nostalgically, when household equipment came with the expectation that the owner could and would wield the tools required to fix it: a wrench, pliers, screwdriver and hammer were all that was needed to keep an early Ford automobile on the road. That changed, he says, thanks to Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Louis Bernays, the pioneer of emotional advertising. He sold dreams of perfection instead of a partnership between man and machine. Now domestic appliances come with forbidding labels, such as “no user-serviceable parts” and “disassembly voids warranty”.

本书作者作为美国业余 爱好 者杂志《动手做》的编辑,由他来开发这个国家未得施展的创造力和动手捣鼓东西的本事,正是再合适不过了。他怀旧地说道,曾几何时,家用设备的出现带着这样一种期望:其拥有者可以也愿意使用必要的工具对其进行 修理 。扳手、钳子、螺丝刀和锤子是保证一辆早期福特车在路上行使的必备物品。这种情况已经改变了,他说,这都要“归功”于西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的外甥——爱德华·路易斯·伯奈斯——这位情感 广告 的先驱者。他用出售完美的梦想取代了出售人与机器之间的伙伴关系。现在的家用电器都带上了禁止标签,比如“不含用户可维修零件”和“拆开产品保修无效”。

For the mechanically curious, that is no obstacle. And in some ways technology has made it much easier to fiddle and fix. You can find unofficial instruction manuals on the internet, and watch YouTube to see someone doing it properly. You may make mistakes, but that is the way you learn how things work and how to mend them. Doing so makes you a better person, Mr Frauenfelder argues: master, not prisoner, of your environment.

出于机械方面的好奇心,这根本算不上什么障碍。科学技术也在某些方式上使这种拆拆弄弄更容易了。你能在英特网上找到非官方的操作手册,还能通过YouTube看看别人是怎么做的。你可能会犯错,但这就是你了解事物的工作原理并学习如何修理它们的 方法 。弗劳恩菲尔德先生声称,这样做会让你变成一个更优秀的人:一个外界环境的主人,而不是俘虏。

The book echoes Matthew Crawford's masterly and reflective, “The Case for Working with Your Hands”, a bestseller in America which has just come out in Britain. Mr Crawford focuses on motorbikes, with doses of classical philosophy, rather than domestic gripes.

这本书回应了马修·克劳弗德精巧娴熟、深思熟虑的新书《动手干活的理由》,一本刚刚在英国出版的美国畅销书。克劳弗德先生的重点集中在摩托车上,又加上几剂古典哲学的良药,以代替做 家务活 的满腹牢骚。

Mr Frauenfelder rightly highlights the impotent fury aroused by tamper-proof tabs seals, and the joy of mastering recalcitrant gadgets. But his own literary craftsmanship is irritating too. An ill-planned attempt to start a new life in the South Pacific is irrelevant and tiresome. His prose is tinny, and the mentions of his children dull and cutesy. The reader does feel sorry for his wife, though, when dead bees clog the light fittings and a coyote eats the favourite chickens. His motto is DIY . Hers is HAP (Hire a Pro). One can see why.



1. 做自己的英文翻译

2. 73rd的英文翻译

3. 11月11日的英文翻译

4. 手抄报英文怎么说

5. 手工用英语怎么说


