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Online advertising

Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner ads, Rich Media Ads, Social network advertising, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam.

Competitive advantage over traditional advertising

One major benefit of online advertising is the immediate publishing of information and content that is not limited by geography or time. To that end, the emerging area of interactive advertising presents fresh challenges for advertisers who have hitherto adopted an interruptive strategy.

Another benefit is the efficiency of advertiser's investment. Online advertising allows for the customization of advertisements, including content and posted websites. For example, AdWords and AdSense enable ads shown on relevant webpages or aside of search results of pre-chosen keywords. Another is the payment method. Whatever purchasing variation is selected, the payment is usually relative with audiences' response.

Purchasing variations

The three most common ways in which online advertising is purchased are CPM, CPC, and CPA.

CPM (Cost Per Impression) is where advertisers pay for exposure of their message to a specific audience. CPM costs are priced per thousand impressions, or loads of an advertisement. However, some impressions may not be counted, such as a reload or internal user action. The M in the acronym is the Roman numeral for one thousand.

CPV (Cost Per Visitor) or (Cost per View in the case of Pop Ups and Unders) is where advertisers pay for the delivery of a Targeted Visitor to the advertisers website.

CPC (Cost Per Click) is also known as Pay per click (PPC). Advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their listing and is redirected to their website. They do not actually pay for the listing, but only when the listing is clicked on. This system allows advertising specialists to refine searches and gain information about their market. Under the Pay per click pricing system, advertisers pay for the right to be listed under a series of target rich words that direct relevant traffic to their website, and pay only when someone clicks on their listing which links directly to their website. CPC differs from CPV in that each click is paid for regardless of whether the user makes it to the target site.

CPA (Cost Per Action) or (Cost Per Acquisition) advertising is performance based and is common in the affiliate marketing sector of the business. In this payment scheme, the publisher takes all the risk of running the ad, and the advertiser pays only for the amount of users who complete a transaction, such as a purchase or sign-up. This is the best type of rate to pay for banner advertisements and the worst type of rate to charge. Similarly, CPL (Cost Per Lead) advertising is identical to CPA advertising and is based on the user completing a form, registering for a newsletter or some other action that the merchant feels will lead to a sale. Also common, CPO (Cost Per Order) advertising is based on each time an order is transacted.

Cost per conversion Describes the cost of acquiring a customer, typically calculated by dividing the total cost of an ad campaign by the number of conversions. The definition of "Conversion" varies depending on the situation: it is sometimes considered to be a lead, a sale, or a purchase.

CPE (Cost Per Engagement) is a form of Cost Per Action pricing first introduced in March 2008. Differing from cost-per-impression or cost-per-click models, a CPE model means advertising impressions are free and advertisers pay only when a user engages with their specific ad unit. Engagement is defined as a user interacting with an ad in any number of ways.[1]

Though, as seen above, the large majority of online advertising has a cost that is brought about by usage or interaction of an ad, there are a few other methods of advertising online that only require a one time payment. The Million Dollar Homepage is a very successful example of this. Visitors were able to pay $1 per pixel of advertising space and their advert would remain on the homepage for as long as the website exists with no extra costs.

Floating ad: An ad which moves across the user's screen or floats above the content.

Expanding ad: An ad which changes size and which may alter the contents of the webpage.

Polite ad: A method by which a large ad will be downloaded in smaller pieces to minimize the disruption of the content being viewed

Wallpaper ad: An ad which changes the background of the page being viewed.

Trick banner: A banner ad that looks like a dialog box with buttons. It simulates an error message or an alert.

Pop-up: A new window which opens in front of the current one, displaying an advertisement, or entire webpage.

Pop-under: Similar to a Pop-Up except that the window is loaded or sent behind the current window so that the user does not see it until they close one or more active windows.

Video ad: similar to a banner ad, except that instead of a static or animated image, actual moving video clips are displayed.

Map ad: text or graphics linked from, and appearing in or over, a location on an electronic map such as on Google Maps.

Mobile ad: an SMS text or multi-media message sent to a cell phone.

In addition, ads containing streaming video or streaming audio are becoming very popular with advertisers.

E-mail advertising

Legitimate Email advertising or E-mail marketing is often known as "opt-in e-mail advertising" to distinguish it from spam.

Affiliate marketing

Main article: Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a form of online advertising where advertisers place campaigns with a potentially large number of small (and large) publishers, whom are only paid media fees when traffic to the advertiser is garnered, and usually upon a specific measurable campaign result (a form, a sale, a sign-up, etc). Today, this is usually accomplished through contracting with an affiliate network.

Affiliate marketing was an invention by CDNow.com in 1994 and was excelled by Amazon.com when it launched its Affiliate Program, called Associate Program in 1996. The online retailer used its program to generate low cost brand exposure and provided at the same time small websites a way to earn some supplemental income.

Contextual advertising

Many advertising networks display graphical or text-only ads that correspond to the keywords of an Internet search or to the content of the page on which the ad is shown. These ads are believed to have a greater chance of attracting a user, because they tend to share a similar context as the user's search query. For example, a search query for "flowers" might return an advertisement for a florist's website.

Another newer technique is embedding keyword hyperlinks in an article which are sponsored by an advertiser. When a user follows the link, they are sent to a sponsor's website.

Behavioral targeting

In addition to contextual targeting, online advertising can be targeted based on a user's past clickstream. For example, if a user is known to have recently visited a number of automotive shopping / comparison sites based on clickstream analysis enabled by cookies stored on the user's computer, that user can then be served auto-related ads when they visit other, non-automotive sites.

Ads and malware

There is also class of advertising methods which may be considered unethical and perhaps even illegal. These include external applications which alter system settings (such as a browser's home page), spawn pop-ups, and insert advertisements into non-affiliated webpages. Such applications are usually labeled as spyware or adware. They may mask their questionable activities by performing a simple service, such as displaying the weather or providing a search bar. Some programs are effectively trojans. These applications are commonly designed so as to be difficult to remove or uninstall. The ever-increasing audience of online users, many of whom are not computer-savvy, frequently lack the knowledge and technical ability to protect themselves from these programs.

Ad server market structure

Given below is a list of top ad server vendors in 2008 with figures in millions of viewers published in a Attributor survey.

Vendor Ad viewers

Google 1,118

DoubleClick 1,079

Yahoo 362

MSN 309

AOL 156

Adbrite 73

Total 3,087

It should be noted that Google acquired DoubleClick in 2007 for a consideration of $3,100 million. The above survey was based on a sample of 68 million domains.



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弹出式广告(pop-up ads)


插播式广告(interstitial ads)



分类广告(classified ads)

互动游戏式广告(interactive game)


文字链接广告(text ads)

浮动形广告(floting ads)












能否给我几个关于跨文化交际的英文参考文献啊 英文的哟,谢谢啦!

Communication Between Cultures. Samovar etc外研社出版.2001。这本是最经典的了。










[6]佟璐,聂磊,付慧伶.多式联运路径优化模型与 方法 研究[J].技术与方法,2010,(212):p57-60.


[8]魏航,李军,刘赢子.一种求解时变网络下多式联运最短路的算法[J].中国管理科学,2004,14 ⑷:p56-63.


[10]雷定猷,游伟,张英贵,皮志东.长人货物多式联运路径优化模型与算法[J].交通工程运输学报,2014,14(1): p76-83.





[15]李愈.赵军.吴刚.陈佳琪.带有固定运费的多式联运方式选择[J].西南交通大学学报,2012,47(5): p881-887.


[1]克里斯托夫·H 洛夫洛克。服务营销(第3版)[M].中国人民大学出版社,2001.

[2]詹姆斯·A 菲茨西蒙斯等着。服务管理:运营、战略和信息技术[M].机械工业出版社,2000.

[3]PeterT. Ittig. Planning Service Capacity When Demand Is Sensitive to Delay [J]. Decision Sciences,1994,Volume 25 Number 4: 541-559

[4]SergueiNetessine. Flexible service capacity: optimal investment and the impact of demand correlation[J]. Operations Research, 2002(50):375-388

[5]Kevin,Taaffe,Joseph Geunes, etc. Supply capacity acquisition and allocation with uncertain customer demands[J]. European Journal of Operational Research,2010: 263-273


[7]马简。服务预订下的定价与能力决策[D].西南 财经 大学,2011














[6]__东.胜利石油工程有限公司 人力资源管理 研究[D].中国石油大学(华东)2013




1. 电子商务物流论文参考文献

2. 仓储管理论文参考文献

3. 采购与物流管理论文参考文献

4. 企业第三方物流论文参考文献

5. 2017物流论文参考文献

6. 毕业论文参考文献范文




Internet Insurance

Network insurance

Net Insurance

保险学 Insurance




Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium. An insurer is a company selling the insurance. The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount, called the premium, to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and practice.

Principles of insurance

A large number of homogeneous exposure units. The vast majority of insurance policies are provided for individual members of very large classes. Automobile insurance, for example, covered about 175 million automobiles in the United States in 2004.[2] The existence of a large number of homogeneous exposure units allows insurers to benefit from the so-called “law of large numbers,” which in effect states that as the number of exposure units increases, the actual results are increasingly likely to become close to expected results. There are exceptions to this criterion. Lloyd's of London is famous for insuring the life or health of actors, actresses and sports figures. Satellite Launch insurance covers events that are infrequent. Large commercial property policies may insure exceptional properties for which there are no ‘homogeneous’ exposure units. Despite failing on this criterion, many exposures like these are generally considered to be insurable.

Definite Loss. The event that gives rise to the loss that is subject to insurance should, at least in principle, take place at a known time, in a known place, and from a known cause. The classic example is death of an insured on a life insurance policy. Fire, automobile accidents, and worker injuries may all easily meet this criterion. Other types of losses may only be definite in theory. Occupational disease, for instance, may involve prolonged exposure to injurious conditions where no specific time, place or cause is identifiable. Ideally, the time, place and cause of a loss should be clear enough that a reasonable person, with sufficient information, could objectively verify all three elements.

Accidental Loss. The event that constitutes the trigger of a claim should be fortuitous, or at least outside the control of the beneficiary of the insurance. The loss should be ‘pure,’ in the sense that it results from an event for which there is only the opportunity for cost. Events that contain speculative elements, such as ordinary business risks, are generally not considered insurable.

Large Loss. The size of the loss must be meaningful from the perspective of the insured. Insurance premiums need to cover both the expected cost of losses, plus the cost of issuing and administering the policy, adjusting losses, and supplying the capital needed to reasonably assure that the insurer will be able to pay claims. For small losses these latter costs may be several times the size of the expected cost of losses. There is little point in paying such costs unless the protection offered has real value to a buyer.

Affordable Premium. If the likelihood of an insured event is so high, or the cost of the event so large, that the resulting premium is large relative to the amount of protection offered, it is not likely that anyone will buy insurance, even if on offer. Further, as the accounting profession formally recognizes in financial accounting standards, the premium cannot be so large that there is not a reasonable chance of a significant loss to the insurer. If there is no such chance of loss, the transaction may have the form of insurance, but not the substance. (See the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board standard number 113)

Calculable Loss. There are two elements that must be at least estimable, if not formally calculable: the probability of loss, and the attendant cost. Probability of loss is generally an empirical exercise, while cost has more to do with the ability of a reasonable person in possession of a copy of the insurance policy and a proof of loss associated with a claim presented under that policy to make a reasonably definite and objective evaluation of the amount of the loss recoverable as a result of the claim.

Limited risk of catastrophically large losses. The essential risk is often aggregation. If the same event can cause losses to numerous policyholders of the same insurer, the ability of that insurer to issue policies becomes constrained, not by factors surrounding the individual characteristics of a given policyholder, but by the factors surrounding the sum of all policyholders so exposed. Typically, insurers prefer to limit their exposure to a loss from a single event to some small portion of their capital base, on the order of 5 percent. Where the loss can be aggregated, or an individual policy could produce exceptionally large claims, the capital constraint will restrict an insurers appetite for additional policyholders. The classic example is earthquake insurance, where the ability of an underwriter to issue a new policy depends on the number and size of the policies that it has already underwritten. Wind insurance in hurricane zones, particularly along coast lines, is another example of this phenomenon. In extreme cases, the aggregation can affect the entire industry, since the combined capital of insurers and reinsurers can be small compared to the needs of potential policyholders in areas exposed to aggregation risk. In commercial fire insurance it is possible to find single properties whose total exposed value is well in excess of any individual insurer’s capital constraint. Such properties are generally shared among several insurers, or are insured by a single insurer who syndicates the risk into the reinsurance market.

[edit] Indemnification

Main article: Indemnity

The technical definition of "indemnity" means to make whole again. There are two types of insurance contracts; 1) an "indemnity" policy and 2) a "pay on behalf" or "on behalf of"[3] policy. The difference is significant on paper, but rarely material in practice.

An "indemnity" policy will never pay claims until the insured has paid out of pocket to some third party; i.e. a visitor to your home slips on a floor that you left wet and sues you for $10,000 and wins. Under an "indemnity" policy the homeowner would have to come up with the $10,000 to pay for the visitors fall and then would be "indemnified" by the insurance carrier for the out of pocket costs (the $10,000)[4].

Under the same situation, a "pay on behalf" policy, the insurance carrier would pay the claim and the insured (the homeowner) would not be out of pocket for anything. Most modern liability insurance is written on the basis of "pay on behalf" language[5].

An entity seeking to transfer risk (an individual, corporation, or association of any type, etc.) becomes the 'insured' party once risk is assumed by an 'insurer', the insuring party, by means of a contract, called an insurance 'policy'. Generally, an insurance contract includes, at a minimum, the following elements: the parties (the insurer, the insured, the beneficiaries), the premium, the period of coverage, the particular loss event covered, the amount of coverage (i.e., the amount to be paid to the insured or beneficiary in the event of a loss), and exclusions (events not covered). An insured is thus said to be "indemnified" against the loss events covered in the policy.

When insured parties experience a loss for a specified peril, the coverage entitles the policyholder to make a 'claim' against the insurer for the covered amount of loss as specified by the policy. The fee paid by the insured to the insurer for assuming the risk is called the 'premium'. Insurance premiums from many insureds are used to fund accounts reserved for later payment of claims—in theory for a relatively few claimants—and for overhead costs. So long as an insurer maintains adequate funds set aside for anticipated losses (i.e., reserves), the remaining margin is an insurer's profit.

[edit] Insurer’s business model

Profit = earned premium + investment income - incurred loss - underwriting expenses.

Insurers make money in two ways: (1) through underwriting, the process by which insurers select the risks to insure and decide how much in premiums to charge for accepting those risks and (2) by investing the premiums they collect from insureds.

The most difficult aspect of the insurance business is the underwriting of policies. Using a wide assortment of data, insurers predict the likelihood that a claim will be made against their policies and price products accordingly. To this end, insurers use actuarial science to quantify the risks they are willing to assume and the premium they will charge to assume them. Data is analyzed to fairly accurately project the rate of future claims based on a given risk. Actuarial science uses statistics and probability to analyze the risks associated with the range of perils covered, and these scientific principles are used to determine an insurer's overall exposure. Upon termination of a given policy, the amount of premium collected and the investment gains thereon minus the amount paid out in claims is the insurer's underwriting profit on that policy. Of course, from the insurer's perspective, some policies are winners (i.e., the insurer pays out less in claims and expenses than it receives in premiums and investment income) and some are losers (i.e., the insurer pays out more in claims and expenses than it receives in premiums and investment income).

An insurer's underwriting performance is measured in its combined ratio. The loss ratio (incurred losses and loss-adjustment expenses divided by net earned premium) is added to the expense ratio (underwriting expenses divided by net premium written) to determine the company's combined ratio. The combined ratio is a reflection of the company's overall underwriting profitability. A combined ratio of less than 100 percent indicates underwriting profitability, while anything over 100 indicates an underwriting loss.

Insurance companies also earn investment profits on “float”. “Float” or available reserve is the amount of money, at hand at any given moment, that an insurer has collected in insurance premiums but has not been paid out in claims. Insurers start investing insurance premiums as soon as they are collected and continue to earn interest on them until claims are paid out.

In the United States, the underwriting loss of property and casualty insurance companies was $142.3 billion in the five years ending 2003. But overall profit for the same period was $68.4 billion, as the result of float. Some insurance industry insiders, most notably Hank Greenberg, do not believe that it is forever possible to sustain a profit from float without an underwriting profit as well, but this opinion is not universally held. Naturally, the “float” method is difficult to carry out in an economically depressed period. Bear markets do cause insurers to shift away from investments and to toughen up their underwriting standards. So a poor economy generally means high insurance premiums. This tendency to swing between profitable and unprofitable periods over time is commonly known as the "underwriting" or insurance cycle. [6]

Property and casualty insurers currently make the most money from their auto insurance line of business. Generally better statistics are available on auto losses and underwriting on this line of business has benefited greatly from advances in computing. Additionally, property losses in the US, due to natural catastrophes, have exacerbated this trend.

Finally, claims and loss handling is the materialized utility of insurance. In managing the claims-handling function, insurers seek to balance the elements of customer satisfaction, administrative handling expenses, and claims overpayment leakages. As part of this balancing act, fraudulent insurance practices are a major business risk that must be managed and overcome.

Types of insurance

Any risk that can be quantified can potentially be insured. Specific kinds of risk that may give rise to claims are known as "perils". An insurance policy will set out in detail which perils are covered by the policy and which are not. Below are (non-exhaustive) lists of the many different types of insurance that exist. A single policy may cover risks in one or more of the categories set forth below. For example, auto insurance would typically cover both property risk (covering the risk of theft or damage to the car) and liability risk (covering legal claims from causing an accident). A homeowner's insurance policy in the U.S. typically includes property insurance covering damage to the home and the owner's belongings, liability insurance covering certain legal claims against the owner, and even a small amount of health insurance for medical expenses of guests who are injured on the owner's property.

Business insurance can be any kind of insurance that protects businesses against risks. Some principal subtypes of business insurance are (a) the various kinds of professional liability insurance, also called professional indemnity insurance, which are discussed below under that name; and (b) the business owners policy (BOP), which bundles into one policy many of the kinds of coverage that a business owner needs, in a way analogous to how homeowners insurance bundles the coverages that a homeowner needs.[7]


Health insurance policies will often cover the cost of private medical treatments if the National Health Service in the United Kingdom (NHS) or other publicly-funded health programs do not pay for them. It will often result in quicker health care where better facilities are available. Dental insurance, like medical insurance, is coverage for individuals to protect them against dental costs. In the U.S., dental insurance is often part of an employer's benefits package, along with health insurance. Most countries rely on public funding to ensure that all citizens have universal access to health care.

[edit] Disability

Disability insurance policies provide financial support in the event the policyholder is unable to work because of disabling illness or injury. It provides monthly support to help pay such obligations as mortgages and credit cards.

Total permanent disability insurance insurance provides benefits when a person is permanently disabled and can no longer work in their profession, often taken as an adjunct to life insurance.

Disability overhead insurance allows business owners to cover the overhead expenses of their business while they are unable to work.

Workers' compensation insurance replaces all or part of a worker's wages lost and accompanying medical expense incurred because of a job-related injury.


Casualty insurance insures against accidents, not necessarily tied to any specific property.

Crime insurance is a form of casualty insurance that covers the policyholder against losses arising from the criminal acts of third parties. For example, a company can obtain crime insurance to cover losses arising from theft or embezzlement.

Political risk insurance is a form of casualty insurance that can be taken out by businesses with operations in countries in which there is a risk that revolution or other political conditions will result in a loss.

[edit] Life insurance

Main article: Life insurance

Life insurance provides a monetary benefit to a decedent's family or other designated beneficiary, and may specifically provide for income to an insured person's family, burial, funeral and other final expenses. Life insurance policies often allow the option of having the proceeds paid to the beneficiary either in a lump sum cash payment or an annuity.

Annuities provide a stream of payments and are generally classified as insurance because they are issued by insurance companies and regulated as insurance and require the same kinds of actuarial and investment management expertise that life insurance requires. Annuities and pensions that pay a benefit for life are sometimes regarded as insurance against the possibility that a retiree will outlive his or her financial resources. In that sense, they are the complement of life insurance and, from an underwriting perspective, are the mirror image of life insurance.

Certain life insurance contracts accumulate cash values, which may be taken by the insured if the policy is surrendered or which may be borrowed against. Some policies, such as annuities and endowment policies, are financial instruments to accumulate or liquidate wealth when it is needed.

In many countries, such as the U.S. and the UK, the tax law provides that the interest on this cash value is not taxable under certain circumstances. This leads to widespread use of life insurance as a tax-efficient method of saving as well as protection in the event of early death.

In U.S., the tax on interest income on life insurance policies and annuities is generally deferred. However, in some cases the benefit derived from tax deferral may be offset by a low return. This depends upon the insuring company, the type of policy and other variables (mortality, market return, etc.). Moreover, other income tax saving vehicles (e.g., IRAs, 401(k) plans, Roth IRAs) may be better alternatives for value accumulation. A combination of low-cost term life insurance and a higher-return tax-efficient retirement account may achieve better investment return.


Property insurance provides protection against risks to property, such as fire, theft or weather damage. This includes specialized forms of insurance such as fire insurance, flood insurance, earthquake insurance, home insurance, inland marine insurance or boiler insurance.



There is no large-scale popularization of the computer before, it will lock important documents to a file cabinet or safe

Custody. With the computer, as well as the rapid development of the Internet tended to use computers and information networks

Data management. A variety of important information (such as trade secrets, patents, etc.) if not stored in the computer security measures, which just do not have access to locked file cabinet to store confidential documents. Due to the openness of the computer, such as structural characteristics and standardized so that a high degree of computer information-sharing and the spread of the characteristics of easy, resulting in the computer information (such as an important password) in the processing, storage, transmission and application of the process can easily be leaked, stolen, tampered with and destruction, or infection by computer viruses, backdoors, exploits and network hackers to bring substantial business risk. At this time, the security of your computer on to highlight the importance of it. Each computer users are more or lessviruses or Trojan horses, hackers, harassment. Brought by individuals against the loss may also not large, but for enterprises, may be drowned. 没有大型电脑的普及之前,它将锁到一个文件中重要的文件或安全内阁



求会计 内部控制的外文参考文献

The enterprise internal control theory

The internal control is an important symbol of modern enterprise management, through the practice of the conclusion is: to control is strong, weak, without control is controlled, disorderly. The new regulations "accounting law 27 units shall establish and perfect the system of supervision unit interior accountant. Unit interior accountant controls on the execution, the internal control is.

What is the internal control

The internal control is the formation of a series of measures to control functions, procedures, methods, and standardized and systematized, make it become a rigorous, relatively complete system. According to the control of the internal control can be divided into different purpose accounting control and management control. Accounting control and protection of assets is safe, the accounting information authenticity and integrity and financial activities related to the legitimacy of control, Management control means to ensure operation policy decision, implementation of business activities and promote the efficiency and effectiveness, and the effect of the relevant management to achieve the goals of control. Accounting control and management control and not mutually exclusive, incompatible, some control measures can be used for accounting control, and can also be used to control.

The goal is to ensure that the internal control unit operations efficiency and effect, safety, economic information of assets and financial reports of reliability. Its main functions: one is to achieve target management policy and management, Second is the assets of safety protection unit is complete, prevent loss of assets, Three is to guarantee the business and financial accounting information authenticity and integrity. In addition, the legitimacy of the financial activities within the unit is the internal control goals.

Good, although the internal control to achieve these goals, but whether the internal control design and operation, it is not how to eliminate its inherent limitations. This limitation must also be clear and prevention. Main show is: (1) the limited by cost benefit principle, (2) if the employee has different responsibility ignore control program, misjudgment, even the collusion, inside and outside, often cause in fraud internal control malfunction, (3) management personnel abuse, and to set up or Passover control of internal control ignored, also can make the establishment of internal control non-existing.

Second, the basic structure of internal control

The basic structure of internal control. Mainly includes control environment, accounting system and control procedures in three aspects:

(a) control environment. Control environment refers to establish or implement a policy of various factors, which affect mainly reflects unit managers and other personnel to control the attitude, understanding and action. Specific include: management ideas and management style, unit organization structure, functions and managers of these functions, determine the powers and responsibilities of the manager monitoring and inspection method, the working personnel policy measures to control, and its implementation, this unit of various external business relations.

(2) accounting system. Accounting system refers to establish accounting and accounting supervision procedure and method of business activities. Effective accounting system should do:

1, confirmed and record all real business, timely and detailed description of economic business, so in the financial and accounting reports of economic business appropriately classified.

2 and measurement value of economic business, so in the financial and accounting reports records in the appropriate monetary value.

3 and determine the time, business to business records in the appropriate accounting period.

4 in the financial and accounting reports, business and proper disclosure of expression related matters.

(3) control procedures. Control program to formulate policy and managers to ensure a certain procedure. Specific include: business and economic activity approval, The relevant personnel division of responsibilities clear, and prevent fraud, The bill and certificates and use, should guarantee business activities and recorded properly, Property and its use to have documented exposure measures to protect, For registered business valuation, and to review, etc.

Third, the basic way of internal control

The basic way of internal control mainly has: organization planning control, authorized control, budget control, material control, cost control, risk control and audit control.

(a) to organize the control. According to the internal control requirements, the unit in determining the organizational structure and improve the process, incompatible duties shall follow the principle of separation, the so-called incompatible duties, refers to those if by a man or a department, and may cheat yourself concealing its position of frauds. The economic activity of the unit can usually divided into five stages: namely, the approval issued by authorized, execution, and records. Normally, if each step by the relatively independent researchers (or department), can guarantee the separation incompatible duties, facilitating the function of the internal control. Organize and control mainly includes two aspects:

1 and incompatible duties of separation. If the accounting work of accountant and cashier incompatible duties, need to separate. Should be separate positions usually have an authorized: economic business duties to separation, Execute a business with the position of the post to review: Execution of an economic position and record the business to business position: Keep a record of the property of the position and position of property to separation etc. Incompatible duties separation is based on the assumption that two personal unconscious accomplice a possibility, but the possibility of a person gains more than two people. If this hypothesis, breakthrough incompatible duties of separation cannot play control function. [NextPage]

2, the organization's control. A unit of economic activities according to the needs of different departments and institutions set, the organization's set of responsibilities and should reflect the mutual control requirements. Specific requirement is: the responsibility and authority of the organizations must be licensed and guarantee the authority within the scope of authority without intervention, Each business must pass in operation of the department and guarantee in different departments concerned to check each other, In every business, should belong to was not inspectors, in order to ensure that the inspectors check out the problem was solved quickly.

(2) authorized control. The authorized department of internal control unit to handle business or staff access control. Some departments or units within a clerk in the treatment of economic business, must be authorized or approved to, no approval. Authorized control unit can guarantee the implementation course and abuse. Authorized are generally authorized and particular authorized two forms: general mandate is to deal with average economic business level and the approval of the right conditions stipulated in the unit, usually in the internal control of clarifying, Special authorization of special economic business processing is the right level and approval conditions, such as when a prescribed amount exceeds the economic business department, only after approval within specific authorized to handle. Authorized the basic control requirement is: first, must be clear and specific license authorization of the general line and responsibility, Secondly, to clear the authorized business each program, Again, to establish the necessary examination system, to ensure that the processing after the authorized business working quality.

Some current unit executes leadership "pen", with the approval of the internal control principles and requirements, should reform. Practice has proved, rights should be restricted, lose the right to restrict the corruption which easily.

(3) budget control. Budget control is an important aspect of internal control, including financing, financing, purchasing, production, sales, investment and management activities. The economic business units to prepare detailed budget and plan, and through the authorized by relevant departments, the budget or plan implementation control, the basic requirements: first, the unit budget must reflect the management goal, and clear responsibility. Second, the budget shall be permitted by the authorized to budget adjustments to budget and more practical. Third, it shall timely feedback or regular budget implementation.

(4) physical assets control. Physical assets control mainly include restrictions to control inventory control and regular two, this is the real assets of unit of safety control measures. There are two main: first, to limit to strictly control, to physical assets and the relevant documents of the physical assets, such as cash and bank deposit, securities and inventory, warehouse, the warehouser except cashier personnel and other personnel is limited, contact, to ensure the safety of assets. Second, regular physical assets inventory, guarantee the physical assets conform with the actual amount recorded book, such as accounts inconsistent, should investigate the cause and treatment. In addition to the above, physical assets control say from broad sense, also include the physical assets of purchase, storage, and shipping and sales process control.

(5) cost control. Modern cost control can be divided into "extensive" and "intensive" two. Extensive cost control, refers to the production technology, product process under the condition of invariable, rely solely on reducing consumption materials, reasonable material to lower the cost of cost control, Intensive cost control, refers to raise the level of technology to improve the production technology, product process, thus reducing the cost control. These two kinds of methods, combining modern cost control.

1, extensive cost control, the cost of raw materials procurement control from the final product sold throughout, and is one of the most fundamental and most main control method. First, the raw materials procurement cost control. For bulk materials generally used to open ZhaoBiaoFa or according to manufacturer direct purchasing. Second, the use of materials cost control. Generally, there are two ways: one is the objective cost control, it is through the "target cost price - goals profits target =", which is obtained by cost method to control costs. Veto Second, it is the cost control of various assignments, and through the analysis of cost drivers, costs and expenses of the collection, not only more reasonable truly computational cost, and thus find income and cost ratio or not only put no gains, so can largely reduce costs. Third, product sales, cost control. Mainly propaganda cost control, notable is, advertising, promotional role played only product quality is the foundation of the user's trust. Therefore, we should grasp investment and expenses of the matching principle. [NextPage]

2 and intensive cost control. And can be divided into two types: one is to improve production technology by to reduce cost control. There are many ways to improve production technology, such as the introduction of new production line adopts high-tech products, etc. Two is improved by process to reduce the cost of cost control. Intensive cost control on intellectual achievements, it can make the excess profit achievements.

(6) risk control. Risk is usually referred to as a result of the action, and the risk associated with another concept is uncertain. Some people only know beforehand action may result, but don't know they appear probability, or both all don't know, but only as a rough estimate. For example, enterprise test-manufacturing a new product, this product can certainly advance trial success or failure. But don't know these two consequences of possibility appeared. Business decisions are generally in uncertain circumstances. In practice, a result of action has many may not sure, risk, And as a result of the action, it is certainly not risk. The risk control is to prevent and avoid as far as possible adverse outcome. According to the reasons of the formation of risk and risk management can generally be divided into two categories: the financial risk,

1, management risk. Risk management refers to the production and business operation reasons for corporate profits to the uncertainty. Due to the production and operation of enterprises will be derived from many aspects of the external and internal factors, thus greatly, and the uncertainty of uncertainty, causes the enterprise profit margins or the changes, thus bringing risk. Operational risk changes from the external, nonetheless, enterprises should adopt the effective internal control measures to prevent.

2, financial risk. Financial risk and risk, it is to because debt and the enterprise's financial results for uncertainty. Companies operating in the capital, debt all except the part of self-capital, borrowed funds for enterprise self-capital affect profitability, At the same time, borrowed money to repay captital with interest, if unable to repay debts that are due, the enterprise will into financial difficulties or bankruptcy. When the enterprise rate than pre-tax profit margins funds borrowed funds rate, use borrowed money earn profits and residual interest except compensation and thus make the self-capital profitability improve. However, if the enterprise income tax profit margins than money borrowed funds, at this moment, use borrowed money to finance the profits are not pay interest, still need to use their own funds to pay interest on the part of the profit margins, thereby reducing the self-capital, make enterprise losses incurred, even the bankruptcy of the danger. The risk for financing risk. The size of the risk degree of self-capital by borrowing money, borrowed money ratio, the greater the risk degree proportion with smaller proportion, borrowed funds, risk degree also decrease. For financial risk control, the key is to ensure a reasonable capital structure, maintain the appropriate level of debt, should make full use of the debt management skill gain financial leverage income, improve the self-capital profitability, To avoid excessive debt caused by the financial risk, which is the important link of the enterprise internal control, must take the necessary measures to prevent fundraising risk.

(7) auditing control. Audit control mainly refers to the internal audit, internal audit and control of accounting is to supervise. Accounting information to internal audit, internal control is an integral part of the internal control is a kind of special form. Internal auditing is an organization in all kinds of activities and the internal control system of independent evaluation to determine whether the policy implementation, establish the procedure is in compliance with the standard of resources utilization, whether reasonable, effective and unit of objectives achieved. Internal audit content is very extensive, generally include internal financial audit and internal management audit. Internal audit supervision of accounting information, and is not only the internal control is effective means to ensure that the accounting information is true and complete. According to the basic principle of internal control and accounting work in our country actual situation, the new "law" regulation, the unit shall in internal accounting supervision system of accounting information in the regular internal audit methods and procedures, in order to make the internal audit institutions or internal auditors of accounting information system and procedure of audit work.

In addition to the above seven internal control, and documentation control. Performance control and worker quality control, etc. The new system of accounting supervision system on the unit interior, the main contents of the internal control system. Including: responsibilities, and strict procedures, truthfully record, regular check, etc. In practice, establishing and implementing internal control should also consider: enterprise scale, organizational system and the owners' rights and interests; etc. Business property, diversity and complexity, Transfer, processing, and the methods to information, Applicable regulatory requirements, etc. At present many enterprise internal control was not good, except knowledge level, the main reasons of the administration is to establish and implement effective internal control of power, pressure, coerce, enough. This change of the accounting law depends on the implementation of new science and the modern enterprise system and the establishment of corporate governance structure. To help enterprises to establish internal control, can consult other countries and regions, by the relevant departments of the internal control of some important industry and points for each unit, reference, and learning to use gradually perfect the internal control system, in order to promote the comprehensive enterprise in our country, and in essence.



